The €283 million INTERREG VA Programme operated in Northern Ireland, the border counties and Western Scotland through partnership working. The Programme's four key areas were research and innovation, environmental protection, sustainable transport and health and social care.

Key Facts

  • €288.7m Seven-year investment
  • 34 Number of projects
  • 172 Number of partners

Since 1991 the INTERREG Programme has brought in approximately €1.13 billion into the region. 

This funding has funded thousands of projects that support strategic cross-border co-operation in order to create a more prosperous and sustainable region.

There were four key objectives funded under INTERREG VA Programme: 

  • Research & Innovation;
  • Environment;
  • Sustainable Transport;
  • Health & Social Care.

Funded projects worked hard to protect our shared environment, improve people’s health and wellbeing, reduce carbon emissions and make businesses better. 


SEUPB appointed independent evaluators who carried out a number of impact evaluations of the INTERREG VA Programme.

Four impact evaluations were carried out assessing the change achieved by INTERREG VA within each of the Programme’s Priority Axis’.

  1. Research and Innovation (Priority Axis 1)
  2. Environment (Priority Axis 2)
  3. Sustainable Transport (Priority Axis 3)
  4. Health and Social Care (Priority Axis 4)

INTERREG VA Case Studies

To view the INTERREG VA case studies please select if you wish to view them in English or French. Case studies can also be filtered by objective

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