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PEACEPLUS Programme, Investment Area 5.3 - Catchment Management Programme
Cross-border catchments, which include freshwater bodies in cross-border river basins, have the scope to act as sites to facilitate more sustainable solutions to water quality improvement.
There is now a better understanding of the role of nature-based solutions and sustainable catchment management and how these should be incorporated as part of the restorative measures. The transboundary nature of waterbodies across the Programme Area presents an opportunity for strategic collaboration. The proposed investment will facilitate the development and implementation of cross-border best practice and technical expertise to improve water quality across the Programme Area.
This objective will enable a cross-border, collaborative approach to management and improvement of water quality to address the requirements of the Water Framework Directive in selected cross-border catchments located within the Programme Area. It will promote sustainable water management.
It will result in the development and management of cross-border water quality as well as catchment management programmes, designed to enable freshwater bodies in cross-border river basins to achieve goo or high status; and an increased percentage of shared waters in the Programme Area with good or high status.
€21m is available in this call. This call has now closed. The SEUPB will not accept applications after the closing date.