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Under Priority Axis 4, €62m was invested in ten projects to deliver 9,000 ‘episodes of care’ on a cross-border basis to improve the health and well-being of people by enabling them to access quality health and social care services in settings appropriate to their needs.
t33 sound policy was commissioned to undertake a longitudinal impact evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the Programme’s Priority Axis 4 – Health and Social Care, the efficiency in terms of the relationship between funding disbursed and results achieved, the impact, and the programme contribution to the end-objectives of EU Cohesion Policy. The findings informed the remainder of the Programme and future programming periods, including PEACEPLUS.
The evaluation team combined qualitative methods, such as interviews and case studies, with quantitative data, including questionnaires, and conducted a desk-based analysis of the Programme and project documentation. The evaluation assessed the impact of the interventions at three stages of implementation, reporting in 2018, 2020 and 2022. All three reports can be accessed below.
The final impact evaluation in 2022 considers did the projects achieve what they set out to achieve and the difference this has made. The evaluation also considers external factors that positively or negatively influence delivery and achievement. It also examines efforts, successes, and setbacks in terms of sustainability and mainstreaming of interventions. Recommendations for future projects and evaluations are also made.
"The cross-border interventions have generated tangible impacts in a range of health and social care sub-fields, not only in the general improvement of access to care but in patients’ empowerment and self-management and in the reduction of isolation of specific vulnerable groups. The increase, extension and improvement of services delivered at the community level, provide access to care that is more tailormade and closer to citizens, alleviating pressure from hospitals." t33 Evaluation Team